MODEL EQ-590/591
Useful In Areas With Improper/fluctuating Mains Voltage Supply. Can Be Used With All Our Instruments.
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All the electronic instruments need protection against overvoltage and under voltage. Over voltage will spoil the instrument, while under voltage will hamper the performance. Servo voltage stabilizer is sine wave stabilizer and it controls voltage very accurately. It is a
continuous control whereas other stabilizers that are available in the market are for freeze and oven, where control is in steps.
Model EQ 590 / 591 controls voltage continuously.
Single stabilizer EQ591 can be wired in lab to supply many instruments at a time. Thus a single unit can run the entire practical session in the lab.
NB: Heavy loads of pump, oven, and incubator should not
be connected. Please consult us before buying the stabilizer.

This Sine Wave Stablizer will protect all costly instruments like Spectrophotometer, Flamephotometer, Ph. Meter, CRO, etc.